I am web designer & frontend developer.
An ordinary person who loves art, design and craft. Until one day had the opportunity to learn about technology and programming. He can’t decide which job to work in the future. Therefore choose to combine these 2 things into a career. He found that it is very happy to be able to combine two things like one.

I don’t know when it started. I just know that I like to combine that one with this one to create something new. Find a way to do the same thing with a new method. Because I think that it is unlikely that there is only one way to make the same thing happen. Maybe thinking different is one definition of creativity.
In the disorganised thing, I have always thought that there must be a way to manage this mess and stay organized. And that is designing. Design is in our lives in every single day. Not only about the art. You have to design the way how you will arrive at the office today in time.

What is C #, PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript? I never knew before. Until the time that I had to choose to study in university. I choose to study these things. It is something new and opened a new world for me to learn this knowledge. And became the basis for life until now.